Best Alone Quotes with Images

The man who goes alone can start today; but he who travels with another must wait till that other is ready.

Henry David Thoreau
 The man who goes alone can start today; but he who travels with another must wait till that other is ready. - Henry David Thoreau


Man does not live by soap alone; and hygiene, or even health, is not much good unless you can take a healthy view of it or, better still, feel a healthy indifference to it.

Gilbert K. Chesterton
 Man does not live by soap alone; and hygiene, or even health, is not much good unless you can take a healthy view of it or, better still, feel a healthy indifference to it. - Gilbert K. Chesterton


Death is the mother of Beauty; hence from her, alone, shall come fulfillment to our dreams and our desires.

Wallace Stevens
 Death is the mother of Beauty; hence from her, alone, shall come fulfillment to our dreams and our desires. - Wallace Stevens


Plant and your spouse plants with you; weed and you weed alone.

Jean-Jacques Rousseau
 Plant and your spouse plants with you; weed and you weed alone. - Jean-Jacques Rousseau


Man alone is born crying, lives complaining, and dies disappointed.

Samuel Johnson
 Man alone is born crying, lives complaining, and dies disappointed. - Samuel Johnson


He travels the fastest who travels alone.

Rudyard Kipling
 He travels the fastest who travels alone. - Rudyard Kipling


One of the lessons I have learned in the different stages of my career is that science is not done alone. It is through talking with others and sharing that progress is made.

Carol W. Greider
 One of the lessons I have learned in the different stages of my career is that science is not done alone. It is through talking with others and sharing that progress is made. - Carol W. Greider


It’s time to end the cruel slaughter of whales and leave these magnificent creatures alone.

Paul McCartney
 It’s time to end the cruel slaughter of whales and leave these magnificent creatures alone. - Paul McCartney


I learned how not to be alone in the playground.

Emil Ferris
 I learned how not to be alone in the playground. - Emil Ferris


The gospel alone liberates you to live a life of scandalous generosity, unrestrained sacrifice, uncommon valor, and unbounded courage.

Tullian Tchividjian
 The gospel alone liberates you to live a life of scandalous generosity, unrestrained sacrifice, uncommon valor, and unbounded courage. - Tullian Tchividjian


Happy the man, and happy he alone, he who can call today his own; he who, secure within, can say, tomorrow do thy worst, for I have lived today.

John Dryden
 Happy the man, and happy he alone, he who can call today his own; he who, secure within, can say, tomorrow do thy worst, for I have lived today. - John Dryden


We are not weak if we make a proper use of those means which the God of Nature has placed in our power… the battle, sir, is not to the strong alone it is to the vigilant, the active, the brave.

Patrick Henry
 We are not weak if we make a proper use of those means which the God of Nature has placed in our power... the battle, sir, is not to the strong alone it is to the vigilant, the active, the brave. - Patrick Henry


I used to wonder if it was God’s plan that I should be alone for so much of my life. But I found peace. I found happiness within people and the world.

Lana Del Rey
 I used to wonder if it was God’s plan that I should be alone for so much of my life. But I found peace. I found happiness within people and the world. - Lana Del Rey


It was either Voltaire or Charlie Sheen who said, ‘We are born alone. We live alone. We die alone. And anything in between that can give us the illusion that we’re not, we cling to.’

Gabriel Byrne
 It was either Voltaire or Charlie Sheen who said, ‘We are born alone. We live alone. We die alone. And anything in between that can give us the illusion that we’re not, we cling to.’ - Gabriel Byrne


Being an actor is the loneliest thing in the world. You are all alone with your concentration and imagination, and that’s all you have.

James Dean
 Being an actor is the loneliest thing in the world. You are all alone with your concentration and imagination, and that’s all you have. - James Dean


I like the idea of being alone. I like the idea of often being alone in all aspects of my life. I like to feel lonely. I like to need things.

Robert Plant
 I like the idea of being alone. I like the idea of often being alone in all aspects of my life. I like to feel lonely. I like to need things. - Robert Plant


I’m done with men… I’m going to be alone. I have no luck with relationships. I don’t think I’m made for marriage.

Halle Berry
 I’m done with men... I’m going to be alone. I have no luck with relationships. I don’t think I’m made for marriage. - Halle Berry


An hour a week for yourself is really important – have a massage, a facial or even go for a walk alone in the park.

Daisy Lowe
 An hour a week for yourself is really important - have a massage, a facial or even go for a walk alone in the park. - Daisy Lowe


On stage, I make love to 25,000 different people, then I go home alone.

Janis Joplin
 On stage, I make love to 25,000 different people, then I go home alone. - Janis Joplin


My overcoat is worn out; my shirts also are worn out. And I ask to be allowed to have a lamp in the evening; it is indeed wearisome sitting alone in the dark.

William Tyndale
 My overcoat is worn out; my shirts also are worn out. And I ask to be allowed to have a lamp in the evening; it is indeed wearisome sitting alone in the dark. - William Tyndale


If men knew how women pass the time when they are alone, they’d never marry.

O. Henry
 If men knew how women pass the time when they are alone, they’d never marry. - O. Henry


When you have two busy kids running around the house, returning e-mails is a task, let alone surfing the web.

Tom Brady
 When you have two busy kids running around the house, returning e-mails is a task, let alone surfing the web. - Tom Brady


You can’t please everybody. I give up. I’m not trying to. I don’t care. Leave me alone with that.

 You can’t please everybody. I give up. I’m not trying to. I don’t care. Leave me alone with that. - Estelle


I’ve always been alone. I grew up alone. I like it that way. Even when I’m in an arena surrounded by 10,000 people, I’m alone in my head.

 I’ve always been alone. I grew up alone. I like it that way. Even when I’m in an arena surrounded by 10,000 people, I’m alone in my head. - Lemmy


To me, the sea is like a person – like a child that I’ve known a long time. It sounds crazy, I know, but when I swim in the sea, I talk to it. I never feel alone when I’m out there.

Gertrude Ederle
 To me, the sea is like a person - like a child that I’ve known a long time. It sounds crazy, I know, but when I swim in the sea, I talk to it. I never feel alone when I’m out there. - Gertrude Ederle

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